Townsend's Solitaire
Myadestes townsendi
Synopsis: Nests in open montane forests in eastern Oregon and more locally in the Coast Range. Most notable are the records from southern-central Harney, Sherman, Gilliam, and eastern Lake County.

Habitat Associations:
Subalpine Fir-Lodgepole Pine Montane Conifer (702371 acres)
Ponderosa-Lodgepole Pine on Pumice (1502766 acres)
Grassland & Fir-Ponderosa Interspersed (347949 acres)
Subalpine Scattered Trees & Shrubs (76261 acres)
Mountain Hemlock Montane Forest (331694 acres)
True Fir-Hemlock Montane Forest (1536782 acres)
Shasta Red Fir-Mountain Hemlock Forest (54084 acres)
Whitebark-Lodgepole Pine Montane Forest (1323 acres)
Ponderosa Pine-dominant Mixed Conifer Forest (427287 acres)
Northeast Mixed Conifer Forest (2866051 acres)
Jeffery Pine Forest/Woodland (51997 acres)
Conifer Woodland on Serpentine Bedrock (48687 acres)
Lodgepole Pine Forest/Woodland (256439 acres)
Ponderosa Pine Forest/Woodland (4325990 acres)
Ponderosa Pine-W. Juniper Woodland (198856 acres)
W. Juniper Woodland (3191863 acres)
Subalpine Grassland (107229 acres)
Edges of Recently Cutover/Burnt Forest (1303043 acres)
Aspen Groves (22102 acres)
Douglas Fir-W. Hemlock-W. Red Cedar Forest (4424486 acres)
Douglas Fir-White Fir/Tanoak-Madrone Mixed Forest (913438 acres)
Douglas Fir dominant - Mixed Conifer Forest (2234104 acres)
Mixed Conifer/Mixed Deciduous Forest (467771 acres)
Siskiyou Mtns Mixed Deciduous Forest (180916 acres)
Alpine Rock & Snowfield with Widely Scattered Shrubs (154745 acres)

Relative Detectability: Difficult to detect and very difficult to confirm breeding, due to placement of nests at concealed locations on or near ground.

Challenge: Search clearcuts to confirm nesting at additional locations in Coast Range and west slope of the Cascades.